Father’s Day
Marathon Phone MeetingSunday, June 18th TIME: 8AM – 11PM (EDT) THEME: A Perfect Union—Me and My New Relationship with Food DIAL (607) 374-1154 Pin Access Code: 169062# EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ALL MEETINGS!
Sunday, June 18th TIME: 8AM – 11PM (EDT) THEME: A Perfect Union—Me and My New Relationship with Food DIAL (607) 374-1154 Pin Access Code: 169062# EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ALL MEETINGS!
Tuesday, July 4th TIME: 8AM – 11PM (EDT) THEME: Celebrating the 7th Step Prayer DIAL (607) 374-1154 Pin Access Code: 169062# EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ALL MEETINGS!
SAVE THE DATE Ohio Intergroup Summer Retreat – July 15th 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM EDT / Registration 8:30 AM THEME: Rejuvenation Step by Step COST: $30.00 REGISTRATION FLYER
FAA Annual Convention September 8th - 10th Cherry Hill, NJ VIEW FLYER WITH FULL DETAILS
VIRTUAL HOSTS & CO HOSTS TRAINING SESSION Wednesday, September 20th | 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM (EDT) URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4664902718?pwd=VklTUkVKcXlOTXZmUEpDNVBHYmk1Zz09 Zoom ID: 466 490 2718 Passcode: 885574 Information: VIEW FLYER WITH FULL DETAILS In order to secure our meetings and protect your privacy from “Meeting Bombers” you will be required to log in to online meeting via your Zoom account, Gmail/Google account or Facebook account to access the meetings.
VIRTUAL HOSTS & CO HOSTS TRAINING SESSION Thursday, September 21st | 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM (EDT) URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4664902718?pwd=VklTUkVKcXlOTXZmUEpDNVBHYmk1Zz09 Zoom ID: 466 490 2718 Passcode: 885574 Information: VIEW FLYER WITH FULL DETAILS In order to secure our meetings and protect your privacy from “Meeting Bombers” you will be required to log in to online meeting via your Zoom account, Gmail/Google account or Facebook account to access the meetings.